MUF 2022 Update #6 - So Many Acts to Show You! & MUF 2022 Raffle!
To keep everyone up to date with important information we will be sending out regular updates to let you know what is going on at the Festival.
We can’t wait to see you at MUF 2022! Two big concerts, all day performances, workshops galore! MUF has a packed program for you! In this update:
Feature - So Many Acts to Show You!
MUF2022 Raffle - great prizes, huge prize pool
MUF2022 Merchandise is here!
Giving back to MUF
So Many Acts to Show You!
We hope your have been following our socials!
Instagram –
Twitter –
Because if you haven’t been.. you are missing out on seeing all our fabulous artists featured. Across tow big concerts and two big days there are so many things to see and do at MUF2022.
Don’t miss the MUF SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT - Saturday 19 March 2022 from 630pm at The Thornbury Theatre - 859 High Street, Thornbury.

This is one show you don't want to miss!! We have the most dangerous ukulele band in the world coming to Melbourne!! The Ukulele Death Squad! And coming off a very successful season at the Port Fairy Folk Festival - The Thin White Ukes! Make sure you put on your red shoes. They'll be floating in a most peculiar way.
Tickets @
… and start the Festival in style at the FRIDAY NIGHT SHOWCASE - Friday 18 March 2022 from 700pm at the Chalice Hall, 251 High Street, Northcote.
Experience the extraordinary and eclectic universe of musical styles the ukulele lends itself to like no other instrument can!
Tickets @
TWO big days, TWO big evening concerts, HUGE selection of workshops, Community Group Jam Sessions, FIVE Performance Stages, Open Mic Stages, Marketplace – there is no excuse for not picking up your tickets NOW!
Tickets @
Here comes the … MUF2022 Raffle!
No, you can’t win a chook in this one.. but thanks to the generosity of MUF2022’s Sponsors and Festival partners we have MUF’s biggest ever Raffle!!
With a top prize of a $750 voucher from Coleman’s Music there are 6 other prizes valued at over $200 .. and still more! The prize pool is worth over $2800 - tickets will sell fast!
Full details here:
Raffle tickets are available online NOW for only $2 each with special value packages for 8 or more tickets.
Buy them from the comfort of home, or watch out for tech equipped ticket sellers at the Festival, or even just use your own device once you are caught up in the ticket buying MUF frenzy!!
Get your tickets online here:
So even if you can’t attend MUF you can support us from afar by buying a Raffle ticket! Make sure you get yours online - or at the Festival in person!
Prizes will be drawn at a special post MUF event on Facebook LIVE - on Saturday 26 March at 2pm!
We can’t wait to see you at MUF2022!!
You thought the Raffle was big news … now.. Here comes the … MUF2022 Merch!!!
MUF2022 Merchandise is here!

Order online and pick up at the Festival:
Also available in person at the Festival Merch HUB in the Chalice Hall and both concerts where you will find a few rare dainties from past MUFs to fill in your collection.
We have a great selection this year headlined by the eponymous TShirt and backed by the ever popular MUF buttons and durable vinyl stickers. Grab a Tshirt, decorate it with buttons and decorate your uke case, car, house anything with a sticker!

But, wait! There is more … remember MUF every day with a signature MUF tea towel! Just the thing to take your mind to your favourite instrument and favourite Festival while engaged in life’s little chores. MUF tea towels also dry dishes!

Order online now:
Pick up at the Festival!
We can’t wait to see you at MUF2022!! MUF 2022 is on 18th, 19th and 20th March in and around Northcote in Melbourne’s inner north. Tickets at:
How You Can be Involved
Be a Volunteer Thank you to everyone who has already put their hands up to help at MUF! Giving back to your Festival as a Volunteer is a great way to get a behind the scenes view not available to most. Many roles will be required and you will be recognised as one the the team who made MUF 2022 happen! MUF is looking for volunteers willing to help with:
Set up and pull down of venues
Helping festival goes find workshops and venues
Staffing venues and ticket checking
Helping at the fesitival hub - working with people and sales
Supervising green rooms and performer equipment
Stage managing smaller venues
Sound engineering and technical support
If you are interested in helping at MUF 2022 please register your interest by email at . . .
< > . . . making sure your contact details (email/phone) are clear and the kind of roles and days/times you would be available to help.
Performing at MUF Don’t forget! No matter if it is your first time on stage or not, you can participate in the Festival as a performer on the walk-up open mics:
Blackboard Stage 10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday in the Chalice Hall
Klub MUF Sunday 2pm-5pm at Bar 303!
Like, Follow and Share our Socials Facebook - Instagram – Twitter – And subscribe to our EMAIL LIST for more information as the Festival gets closer.
Less than 24 hours to go!! Kind Regards Lisa xoxo
President & Creative Director
Melbourne Ukulele Festival
On behalf of the
MUF Organising Committee