MUF 2022 Update #4 - Showcase Concert, Workshops, Full Program and more!
To keep everyone up to date with important information we will be sending out regular updates to let you know what is going on at the Festival.
We can’t wait to see you at MUF 2022!
Two big concerts, all day performances, workshops galore! MUF has a packed program for you!
In this update:
• Feature - MUF 2022 Friday Night Showcase, Here comes the Workshops!
• From Us to You: Full program released . . . and the MUF Jingle!
• MUF Uke Tip
• Giving back to MUF
MUF 2022 Friday Showcase Concert & Workshops!
Showcase you say? Oh yes! Take a trip across time and a whole universe of ukulele artistry. From the 1920s to today, the Friday Night Showcase at MUF2022 invites you to experience the extraordinary and eclectic universe of musical styles the humble ukulele lends itself to like no other instrument can!
Join us in the Chalice Hall to be enchanted, dazzled, beguiled and entertained across three hours with 13 fabulous acts, for just $25 ($15 concession)! Get tickets here on our website –
This is your chance to experience the many MUF performers who have graced international stages, all gathered together in one night of ukulele goodness. A night that can extend over the whole Festival as most of these artists are also sharing their secrets in workshops over the weekend.
Is the 2022 lineup the biggest in MUF History? It might just be!
Become part of MUF history yourself and book into your favourite workshops.
There are 14 workshops across 2 days – catering for all levels of experience and musical interest – Improv, U-bass, Electric Uke and Personalising Covers, Songwriting, Harmonising and Ukulele History plus many more!
Check out the full list of workshops and presenters on our website –
And be sure to book your workshops early as there are limited numbers in each session:
MUF 2022 is on 18th, 19th and 20th March in and around Northcote in Melbourne’s inner north.
From Us To You: Program and the MUF Jingle!
We know you have been waiting for the full program to be released – here's the Saturday and Sunday programs! A full program will be available to download closer to the Festival!
Pick up your free printed program at the MUF Festival HUB when you pick up your Festival wristbands!
And now, while you are checking the program, put this in the background!
We are delighted to launch the MUF2022 Festival jingle - Here Comes the MUF!
You may have seen the teaser, now here is the real deal! A collaboration between Lisa Cressey, Yanai Morris and the Festival Committee in all its glory!
Help us spread the word, share this on your socials and tell your friends to come party with us in March!
MUF Uke Tip!
Engage the Audience
A good way to calm those performance nerves is to engage the audience early. Say hello, introduce yourself or tell a short story about your performance before you begin. But, don’t make the mistake of telling the audience what you are not going to play! Make it fun and interesting for them, wind them up so they will be wanting to hear what you are going to play next.
Then, keep your attention on the audience as you play. Smile, look out at them. Don’t play to your music stand, or prompt sheets. Keep these low and away from the audience line of sight to you. Look at them only when/if you need to, and of course, practice, practice, practice! As they say, “You don’t practice until you get it right - you practice until you can’t get it wrong!” And of course – have fun!
How You Can Be Involved
Be a Volunteer
Giving back to your Festival as a volunteer is a great way to get a behind the scenes view not available to most. Many roles will be required and you will be recognised as one the the team who made MUF 2022 happen!
MUF is looking for volunteers willing to help with a wide range of tasks over the weekend.
If you are interested in helping at MUF 2022 please register your interest by email at
. . . making sure your contact details (email/phone) are clear and the kind of roles and days/times you would be available to help.
Performing at MUF
Don’t forget! No matter if it is your first time on stage or not, you can participate in the Festival as a performer on the walk-up open mics:
Blackboard Stage 10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday in the Chalice Hall
Klub MUF Sunday 2pm-5pm at Bar 303!
Stay Connected with MUF
Keep up to date with our MUF Blog
We now have all past updates on our website here -
And subscribe - to our email list to get the latest updates as the Festival gets closer.
Help us by liking, following and sharing our socials
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Kind Regards
President & Creative Director
Melbourne Ukulele Festival
On behalf of the
MUF Organising Committee